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/ Chip 2000 August / chip_08_2000.iso / aktualnosci / software / ulead smartsaver / Ussp30to.exe / setup.ins (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  2000-05-02  |  102.0 KB  |  946 lines

  1. InstallSHIELD Software Coporation  (c) 1990-1997
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  24. MEDIA
  32. _sdRECT
  33. right
  34. bottom
  35. _sdSIZE
  37. ISIOSVersionInfoSize
  38. ISIMajorVersion
  39. ISIMinorVersion
  40. ISIBuildNumber
  41. ISIPlatformId
  42. szISCSDVersion
  43. KERNEL32
  44. GetVersionEx
  45. SelectObject
  46. GetTextExtentPoint
  47. EnableWindow
  48. GetClassName
  49. GetDC
  50. GetDlgItem
  51. GetFocus
  52. GetWindowLong
  53. GetWindowRect
  54. GetWindowWord
  55. IsIconic
  56. IsWindow
  57. IsWindowEnabled
  58. MoveWindow
  59. USER    
  60. ReleaseDC
  61. SetFocus
  62. SetWindowText
  63. ShowWindow
  64. LoadString
  65. KERNEL
  66. GetModuleHandle
  67. GetClientRect
  68. SetWindowPos
  69. PostMessage
  70. ShowCursor
  71. SystemParametersInfo
  72. U32sn
  73. snValidateLPV
  74. U32sn
  75. snGenerate
  76. Trial!
  77. ErrorMoveDataR1
  78. ErrorUninstSetupR2
  79. ErrorVgaResolutionR3
  80. Ulead Systems
  81. Usspro.exe
  82. SmartSaver Pro$
  83. Ulead b7
  84. Ussp30
  85. Full(
  86. TitleMainFullR?
  87. TitleCaptionBarFullR>
  88. Upgrade(
  89. TitleMainUpgradeR?
  90. TitleCaptionBarUpgradeR>
  91. Trial(
  92. TitleMainTrialR?
  93. TitleCaptionBarTrialR>
  94. Patch(
  95. Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 Patch
  96. Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 Full Version
  97. Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 Full Version Setup
  98. DoesNotHaveRequiredPrivilegesR
  99. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  100. InstalledPath2
  101. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  102. AdministratorInstalled2
  103. 21004!
  104. DoesNotHaveRequiredPrivilegesR
  105. DoesNotHaveRequiredPrivilegesR
  106. 30003
  107. 30003!
  108. Upgrade(
  109. Patch(
  110. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Proa
  111. UserName2
  112. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Proa
  113. UserCompany2
  114. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Proa
  115. InstalledPath2
  116. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Proa
  117. PhotoImpactPluginPath2
  118. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Proa
  119. PhotoshopPluginPath2
  120. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Proa
  121. AdministratorInstalled2
  122. U32sn.dll
  123. U32sn.dll
  124. U32sn.dll
  125. U32sn.dll
  126. Invalid serial number. Please try again.A
  127. 30001
  128. 30001!
  129. 30002
  130. 30002!
  131. IfInstallPhotoImpactInFutureR
  132. PleaseSpecifyFolderAgainR
  133. 30001
  134. 30001!
  135. NoDiskInDriveR
  136. NoEnoughSpaceInDiskR
  137. 30001
  138. 30001!
  139. 30001
  140. 30001!
  141. IfInstallPhotoshopInFutureR
  142. FolderDoesNotExistR
  143. 30002
  144. 30002!
  145. NoDiskInDriveR
  146. 30002
  147. 30002!
  148. NoEnoughSpaceInDiskR
  149. 30002
  150. 30002!
  151. 30002
  152. 30002!
  153. .isu%
  154. Noslip
  155. Patch(
  156. Ussp1f.isua
  157. Ussp10af.isu
  158. InstallingProgramFilesR
  159. ReinstallingProgramFilesR
  160. Noslip
  161. Tourl.exea    
  162. Tourl.exeA
  163. Full(
  164. Patch(
  165. Olreg.exe
  166. Patch(
  167. List1.txt,
  168. Trial(
  169. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  170. List.txt
  171. InstallingProgramFilesR
  172. AddRemovingProgramFilesR
  173. ReinstallingProgramFilesR
  174. RemovingProgramFilesR
  175. Audio%
  176. Audio,
  177. Mask%
  178. Mask,
  179. Samples%
  180. Samples,
  181. Samples\Audio%
  182. Samples\Audio,
  183. Samples\Images%
  184. Samples\Images,
  185. Opas%
  186. Opas,
  187. Opas\27%
  188. Opas\27,
  189. Opas\28%
  190. Opas\28,
  191. Opas\64%
  192. Opas\64,
  193. Trial(
  194. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  195. Bbrd2.bmp6
  196. default1.gif(
  197. default1.htm(
  198. InstallingProgramFilesR
  199. AddRemovingProgramFilesR
  200. ReinstallingProgramFilesR
  201. InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  202. AddRemovingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  203. ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  204. RemovingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  205. U32file.cfg}
  206. U32file.cfg
  207. Trial(
  208. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  209. PreviewSoft
  210. PreviewsoftNumberR
  211. PreviewSoft\$
  212. .lic}
  213. PreviewSoft\$
  214. .prf}
  215. PreviewSoft\$
  216. .slc}
  217. PreviewSoft\Vboxc403.dll}
  218. .lic$
  219. .prf$
  220. .slc$
  221. Vboxc403.dlla
  222. Vboxc403.dll
  223. Vboxc403.dll
  224. PreviewSoft
  225. t.dll$
  226. t.exex
  227. t.exe
  228. t.exe$
  229. t.dllx
  230. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  231. c.dll}
  232. License.html}
  233. c.dll$
  234. c.dll
  235. License.htmla
  236. License.htmlA
  237. c.dll$
  238. c.exex
  239. c.exe
  240. c.exe$
  241. c.dllx
  242. License.html
  243. Wininit.ini
  244. rename
  245. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  246. UninstallString2
  247. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  248. InstalledPath2
  249. Wininit.ini
  250. rename
  251. InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  252. AddRemovingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  253. ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  254. RemovingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  255. ComponentError returned the following data transfer error.
  256. Setup will now abort.
  257. Media Name: %s
  258. Component: %s
  259. File Group: %s
  260. File: %s
  261. Error Number: %ld
  262. Data Transfer Error Informationb
  263. Olreg.exe
  264. Software\Ulead Systems\Ulead COOL 3D\3.0\Installera
  265. Path2
  266. Software\Ulead Systems\Ulead COOL 3D\3.0\Installera
  267. SmartSaverPathA
  268. Software\Ulead Systems\Ulead COOL 3D\4.0\Installera
  269. Path2
  270. Software\Ulead Systems\Ulead COOL 3D\4.0\Installera
  271. SmartSaverPathA
  272. Patch(
  273. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead SmartSaver Pro
  274. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  275. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  276. UninstallString2
  277.  -c"%
  278. IS32Inst.dll"$
  279. UninstallStringA
  280. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  281. UserNameA
  282. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  283. UserCompanyA
  284. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  285. InstalledPathA
  286. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  287. ShortcutFolderA
  288. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  289. PhotoImpactPluginPathA
  290. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  291. PhotoshopPluginPathA
  292. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  293. AdministratorInstalledA
  294. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
  295. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
  296. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
  297. PathA
  298. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  299. \InstallerQ
  300. PathA
  301. Full(
  302. \Online$
  303. Serial Number2
  304. 82111-33000%
  305. U32sn.dll
  306. U32sn.dll
  307. \Online$
  308. \Online$
  309. Serial NumberA
  310. Full(
  311. \Online$
  312. Serial Number2
  313. 92111-33000%
  314. U32sn.dll
  315. U32sn.dll
  316. \Online$
  317. \Online$
  318. Serial NumberA
  319. Trial(
  320. \Online$
  321. Serial Number2
  322. AAD-930-01T
  323. \Online$
  324. \Online$
  325. Serial NumberA
  326. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  327. \InstallerQ
  328. Serial NumberA
  329. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  330. \InstallerQ
  331. snLanguageA
  332. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  333. Trial(
  334. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  335. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  336. \ProductInfoP
  337. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  338. \ProductInfoQ
  339. ProgramIDA
  340. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  341. \ProductInfoQ
  342. ADCaptionA
  343. What's Hot!A
  344. Ussshreg.exe#
  345. Full(
  346. Place the summary here.A
  347. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead WebRazor Proa
  348. Component32
  349. 10106!
  350. PleaseUninstallWebRazorProFullComponentR
  351. PleaseUninstallWebRazorProTrialComponentR
  352. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  353. InstalledPath2
  354. USSShExt.dll
  355. UssshextIsInUseR
  356. Olreg.exe
  357. OlregIsInUseR
  358. UssmainIsInUseR
  359. 21004!
  360. Full%
  361. c.isu
  362. Try-Before-You-Buy
  363. Trial%
  364. c.isu
  365. Try-Before-You-Buy
  366. Patch(
  367. Full(
  368. Trial(
  369. Trial(
  370. You have already installed SmartSaver Pro 1.0a.
  371. You don't need to install this Patch.
  372. Setup was cancelled.*
  373. Trial(
  374. Trial(
  375. Trial(
  376. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  377. UninstallTryBeforeYouBuyThenInstallTrialR
  378. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  379. Trial(
  380. UninstallTryBeforeYouBuyThenInstallTryBeforeYouBuyR
  381. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  382. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  383. Trial(
  384. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  385. Full(
  386. UninstallFullThenInstallTrialR
  387. Full(
  388. Upgrade(
  389. Trial(
  390. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  391. Full(
  392. Upgrade(
  393. Full(
  394. Trial(
  395. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  396. Trial(
  397. Trial(
  398. Full(
  399. UninstallFullThenInstallTrialR
  400. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  401. Full(
  402. UninstallFullThenInstallTryBeforeYouBuyR
  403. Full(
  404. Upgrade(
  405. Trial(
  406. Full(
  407. Upgrade(
  408. Full(
  409. C:\Program Files\Ulead Systems\Ulead PhotoImpact\Plugin
  410. PI3.Image\protocol\StdFileEditing\servera
  411. 10201!
  412. 10202!
  413. 10203!
  414. 10204!
  415. 10205!
  416. PluginS
  417. SOFTWARE\Classes\Photoshop.PlugIn\shell\open\commanda
  418. C:\Adobe\Photoshop\Plug-Ins!
  419. PluginsS
  420. Prefs)
  421. Photos40.iniR
  422. Prefs\Photos40.ini&
  423. Photoshopa
  424. PlugInDirectoryR
  425. PluginsS
  426. Software\Adobe\Photoshop\5.0a
  427. PluginPath2
  428. Software\Adobe\Photoshop\5.5\PluginPatha
  429. Bbrd1.bmp6
  431. Programs\German,
  432. Programs\English
  433. .txt%
  434. Full(
  435. Patch(
  436. FullDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
  437. Try and Buy(
  438. TryAndBuyDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
  439. TrialDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
  440. DialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg2R
  441. DialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg3R
  442. U32cfg.dll
  443. Usspro.exe
  444. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  445. Ssmainui.exe
  446. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  447. Ussgifui.dll
  448. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  449. U3dedit.exe
  450. U3dedit2.exe
  451. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  452. CheckDiskSpaceMsgR
  453. Typical(
  454. Custom(
  455. Compact(
  456. Typical!
  457. Compact,
  458. Typical,
  459. Custom
  460. Custom(
  461. SpecifyPhotoImpactPluginFolderR
  462. 30001a
  463. ErrorInDefiningDialogR
  464. 30001
  465. DialogFailedR
  466. 30002
  467. 30002!
  468. ChooseFolderTitleR
  469. ChooseFolderMsgR
  470. SpecifyPhotoshopPluginFolderR
  471. 30002a
  472. ErrorInDefiningDialogR
  473. 30002
  474. DialogFailedR
  475. 30001
  476. 30001!
  477. ChooseFolderTitleR
  478. ChooseFolderMsgR
  479. StartCopyUserInformationR
  480.           b'
  481.           b(
  482. StartCopyDestinationFolderR
  483.            b
  484. StartCopyShortcutFolderR
  485.            b+
  486. StartCopyPhotoImpactPluginFolderR
  487.            b
  488.            a
  489. CanceledR
  490. StartCopyPhotoshopPluginFolderR
  491.            b"
  492.            a
  493. CanceledR
  494. CheckSetupInformationTitleR
  495. CheckSetupInformationMsgR
  496. InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  497. InstallingStartMenuR
  498. AddRemovingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  499. AddRemovingStartMenuR
  500. ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  501. ReinstallingStartMenuR
  502. RemovingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  503. RemovingStartMenuR
  504. Would you like to create a shortcut of b4
  505.  on the Desktop.(
  506. Patch(
  507. Ulead Web Utilities\Ulead SmartSaver Pro#
  508. Trial(
  509. Order Now!
  510. ReadMe First>
  511. Uninstall>
  512. WebUtilities.com%
  513. Ulead Web Utilitiese
  514. HelpR
  515. Full(
  516. Patch(
  517. Olreg.exeZ
  518. IconRegistrationWzardR
  519. Readme.hlp%
  520. IconReadMeFirstR
  521. Trial(
  522. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  523. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  524. UninstallString2
  525. IconUninstallR
  526. InstallingStartMenuR
  527. AddRemovingStartMenuR
  528. ReinstallingStartMenuR
  529. RemovingStartMenuR
  530. Full(
  531. Patch(
  532. DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption1R
  533. DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption2R
  534. Readme.hlp
  535. Winhlp32.exeb
  536. Olreg.exe
  537. DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption1R
  538. Readme.hlp
  539. Winhlp32.exeb
  540. Patch(
  541. Ssp3upi.upi!
  542. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  543. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  544. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  545. Ssp3upi.upi!
  546. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  547. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  548. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  549. Ssp3apse.8be!
  550. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  551. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  552. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  553. Ssp3apsf.8bf!
  554. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  555. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  556. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  557. Congratulations1R
  558. Congratulations2R
  559. PleaseWaitAMomentR
  560. .bmp6
  561. .bmp6
  562. PleaseWaitAMomentR
  563. 21004m
  564. 20000414
  565. Instsvr.dll;
  566. CheckPIFile2
  567. Noslip
  568. Nbupinfo.dat
  569. Noslip%
  570. Noslip
  571. Nbupinfo.dat
  572. Noslip%
  573. SOFTWARE\Errora
  574. ErrorMessageTitleR
  575. ErrorMessageMsgR
  576. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  577. Instsvr.dll;
  578. DetectForUpgrade2
  579. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  580. SOFTWARE\Errora
  581. ErrorMessageTitleR
  582. ErrorMessageMsgR
  583. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  584. SOFTWARE\Result
  585. C:\Program Files
  586. ScriptCreatedComponents
  587. Instsvr.dll
  588. Instsvr.dll;
  589. GetUpgradeProduct2
  590. Instsvr.dll
  591. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  592. SOFTWARE\Result,
  593. SOFTWARE\Errora
  594. ErrorMessageTitleR
  595. ErrorMessageMsgR
  596. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  597. SOFTWARE\Result
  600. Instsvr.dll
  601. Instsvr.dll;
  602. GetUpgradeProduct2
  603. Instsvr.dll
  604. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  605. SOFTWARE\Errora
  606. ErrorMessageTitleR
  607. ErrorMessageMsgR
  608. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  609. SOFTWARE\Result
  611. SpecifyInstalledFolder1R
  612. SpecifyInstalledFolder2R
  613. Instsvr.dll
  614. Instsvr.dll;
  615. IsUPInstalledInTheFolder2
  616. Instsvr.dll
  617. 21004
  618. Instsvr.dll
  619. Instsvr.dll;
  620. IsInstalledInTheFolder2
  621. Instsvr.dll
  622. SorryCannotFoundR
  623. SOFTWARE\Errora
  624. ErrorMessageTitleR
  625. ErrorMessageMsgR
  626. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  627. Instsvr.dll
  628. Instsvr.dll;
  629. IsInstalled2
  630. Instsvr.dll
  631. SOFTWARE\Errora
  632. ErrorMessageTitleR
  633. ErrorMessageMsgR
  634. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  635. Instsvr.dll
  636. Instsvr.dll;
  637. GetProductVersionNumber2
  638. Instsvr.dll
  639. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  640. SOFTWARE\Result1
  641. SOFTWARE\Errora
  642. ErrorMessageTitleR
  643. ErrorMessageMsgR
  644. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  645. 30001
  646. 30001!
  647. 30002
  648. 30002!
  649. 30005
  650. 30005!
  651. 30005
  652. 30005!
  653. IfInstallPhotoImpactInFutureR
  654. PleaseSpecifyFolderAgainR
  655. 30001
  656. 30001!
  657. NoDiskInDriveR
  658. NoEnoughSpaceInDiskR
  659. 30001
  660. 30001!
  661. 30001
  662. 30001!
  663. IfInstallPhotoshopInFutureR
  664. FolderDoesNotExistR
  665. 30002
  666. 30002!
  667. NoDiskInDriveR
  668. 30002
  669. 30002!
  670. NoEnoughSpaceInDiskR
  671. 30002
  672. 30002!
  673. 30002
  674. 30002!
  675. 30005
  676. 30005!
  677. 30005a
  678. ErrorInDefiningDialogR
  679. 30005
  680. DialogFailedR
  681. AddRemovingSuccessfullyR
  682. ReinstallingSuccessfullyR
  683. RemovingSuccessfullyR
  684. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  685. InstalledPath2
  686. RegistryKeysAreIncorrectR
  687. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  688. ShortcutFolder2
  689. RegistryKeysAreIncorrectR
  690. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  691. AdministratorInstalled2
  692. RegistryKeysAreIncorrectR
  693. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  694. UserName2
  695. RegistryKeysAreIncorrectR
  696. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  697. UserCompany2
  698. RegistryKeysAreIncorrectR
  699. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  700. PhotoshopPluginPath2
  701. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  702. UninstallString2
  703. Trial(
  704. c.isu
  705. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  706. IsUninst.exe$
  707. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  708. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  709. t.isu
  710. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  711. IsUninst.exe$
  712. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  713. Full(
  714. t.isu
  715. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  716. IsUninst.exe$
  717. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  718. c.isu
  719. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  720. IsUninst.exe$
  721. SmartSaverProTrialUninstallingR
  722. Full(
  723. 21004!
  724. Trial(
  725. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  726. 21004!
  727. FullVersionAlreadyInstalledR
  728. Upgrade(
  729. 21004!
  730. Upgrade(
  731. 21004!
  732. edit(
  733. SETUPSTR862R
  734. Disk Space0
  735. temp.txt
  736. temp.txt
  737. In function '%s':
  738. Unable to create dialog.
  739. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB.
  740. Errorb
  741. _sdSIZEa
  742. %s-%ldb
  743. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
  744. \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  745. USER!
  746. RegisteredOwner2
  747. RegisteredOrganization2
  748. ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA
  749. szISCSDVersion2
  750. SdRegisterUserEx!
  751. ResultA
  752. szNameA
  753. szCompanyA
  754. szSerialA
  755. SdRegisterUserEx!
  756. szNameA
  757. szCompanyA
  758. szSerialA
  759. ResultA
  760. SdRegisterUser!
  761. ResultA
  762. szNameA
  763. szCompanyA
  764. SdRegisterUser!
  765. szNameA
  766. szCompanyA
  767. ResultA
  768. SdConfirmRegistration!
  769. ResultA
  770. SdConfirmRegistration!
  771. ResultA
  772. SdConfirmNewDir!
  773. ResultA
  774. SdConfirmNewDir!
  775. ResultA
  776. SdAskDestPath!
  777. ResultA
  778. szDirA
  779. %P se instalar
  780.  en esta carpeta.
  781. Para aceptarlo, pulse el bot
  782. n Siguiente.
  783. Para seleccionar otra carpeta, pulse el bot
  784. n Examinar y seleccione otra carpeta.
  785. Para salir sin instalar %P, pulsar el bot
  786. n Cancelar.
  787. SdAskDestPath!
  788. szDirA
  789. ResultA
  790. SdWelcome!
  791. ResultA
  792. SdWelcome!
  793. ResultA
  794. SdShowInfoList!
  795. ResultA
  796. SdShowInfoList!
  797. ResultA
  798. SdSelectFolder!
  799. ResultA
  800. szFolderA
  801. &Dossier programme:
  802.                 $
  803. / : * ? " < > |*
  804. Severe
  805. SdSelectFolder!
  806. szFolderA
  807. ResultA
  808. SdSetupType!
  809. ResultA
  810. szDirA
  811. SdSetupType!
  812. Typical,
  813. Custom,
  814. Compact
  815. szDirA
  816. ResultA
  817. SdSetupTypeEx!
  818. ResultA
  819. SdSetupTypeEx/
  820. SdSetupTypeEx/
  821. SdSetupTypeEx!
  822. ResultA
  823. SdShowAnyDialog!
  824. ResultA
  825. SdShowAnyDialog!
  826. ResultA
  827. SdDisplayTopics!
  828. ResultA
  829. SdDisplayTopics!
  830. ResultA
  831. SdShowMsg!
  832. SdShowMsg/
  833. _sdRECTa
  834. _sdRECTa
  835. bottom2
  836. SdAskOptionsList!
  837. ResultA
  838. ComponentA
  839. SdAskOptionsList!
  840. SdAskOptionsList!
  841. ComponentA
  842. ResultA
  843. SdShowFileMods!
  844. ResultA
  845. nSelectionA
  846. SdShowFileMods!
  847. nSelectionA
  848. ResultA
  849. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  850. ResultA
  851. szEdit1A
  852. SdShowEdit1!
  853. szEdit1A
  854. ResultA
  855. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  856. ResultA
  857. szEdit1A
  858. szEdit2A
  859. SdShowEdit2!
  860. szEdit1A
  861. szEdit2A
  862. ResultA
  863. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  864. ResultA
  865. szEdit1A
  866. szEdit2A
  867. szEdit3A
  868. SdShowEdit3!
  869. szEdit1A
  870. szEdit2A
  871. szEdit3A
  872. ResultA
  873. SdAskOptions!
  874. ResultA
  875. ComponentA
  876. SdAskOptions!
  877. ComponentA
  878. ResultA
  879. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  880. ResultA
  881. ComponentA
  882. szDirA
  883. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  884. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  885. szDirA
  886. ComponentA
  887. ResultA
  888. SdComponentMult!
  889. ResultA
  890. ComponentA
  891. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  892. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  893. SdComponentMult!
  894. ComponentA
  895. ResultA
  896. SdOptionsButtons!
  897. ResultA
  898. SdOptionsButtons!
  899. ResultA
  900. SdBitmap!
  901. ResultA
  902. SdBitmap!
  903. ResultA
  904. SdComponentDialog2!
  905. ResultA
  906. ComponentA
  907. SdComponentDialog2!
  908. SdComponentDialog2!
  909. ComponentA
  910. ResultA
  911. SdComponentDialogEx
  912. SdComponentDialogEx!
  913. SdComponentDialogEx!
  914. SdComponentDialog!
  915. ResultA
  916. ComponentA
  917. szDirA
  918. SdComponentDialog!
  919. SdComponentDialog!
  920. szDirA
  921. ComponentA
  922. ResultA
  923. SdLicense!
  924. ResultA
  925. Acceptez-vous l'ensemble des termes du contrat de licence ci-dessous ?  Si vous choisissez Non, INSTALL quittera. Pour installer %p, vous devez accepter cet accord.
  926. ResultA
  927. SdStartCopy!
  928. ResultA
  929. ResultA
  930. SdFinishReboot!
  931. ResultA
  932. BootOptionA
  933. ResultA
  934. BootOptionA
  935. ResultA
  936. ResultA
  937. BootOptionA
  938. SdFinish!
  939. ResultA
  940. bOpt1A
  941. bOpt2A
  942. ResultA
  943. bOpt1A
  944. bOpt2A
  945. 5.00.000